Workout Gloves story

It all started in 2019 when one of us was faced with a problem that every street
workout athlete faces - calluses.

The first thing we started with was to look for a solution to this problem. We tried
various crems and other people's advice, but we didn’t get any result. Most
offered to put up with it. But we don't want to give up.

Nevertheless, we live in the 21st century, and if someone would one day accept the fact that
he would have calluses on his feet all his life, then we would still be walking
without shoes. We realized that the only true way is to fight the cause, not
the effect.

Street Workout Gloves
So, we started looking for gloves. At first, we were sure that there are already gloves in the world that are suitable for calisthenics and street workout. But after trying more than 30 different gloves, we realized that we were wrong.

Most couldn't even make it through the first workout, let alone a month of training.

At this point, we made the decision to create our own gloves! Gloves that comply with all our standards:

  • Put an end to the problem of calluses
  • Achieve maximum durability
  • Be able to train both in winter and summer
  • Combine the above qualities with comfort
  • Create a design that will delight at every workout

We collected all the information we had. Having made the first prototype of gloves, we realized that we had a long way to go. Testing many materials and prototypes, we began to interview other athletes, thereby collecting more and more information. With each new prototype, our gloves got better and better.
After numerous tests on 14 prototypes, we have achieved a quality that we can be proud of!

In 2020, we launched the production and sales of the same gloves that we still use!

Workout Move

WG 2

Please check the Gloves Sizing Chart before ordering
WG 2
WG 2
WG 2
WG 2
WG 2